
break the Chain

Paying for a crime they did not commit

The Movement


Quebr ‘a Corrente (Break the Chain) is the first civic movement in the country to free dogs chained, by building new areas using fenced outdoor spaces, and always in collaboration with the caretakers. 

We understand that the lack of financial means may not imply a lack of proper care of the caregivers towards their companion animals; we are inspired by this principle in all our actions, through a philosophy of understanding and without judgments.

Direct Action

The action is carried out at the place where the animal is, in collaboration with the caretakers, after due study and planning of the fencing.



We provide professional support to caregivers, through dialogue and information about the risks of keeping dogs chained, as well as advice on suitable health, food and shelter provisions.


We advocate for animal rights and intervene through lobbying, in regular contact with animal advocates and decision makers.

Maintain dogs permanent chained and tethered violates current Portuguese laws regarding animal rights (Decree-Law n.º 276/2001 and Decree-Law n.º 315/2003), however is still a commum reality in our country.


We release chained dogs in safe spaces, protected and adapted to their needs, near caregivers houses.



We empathise caregivers into the safety, well-being and needs of animals.


We contribute to the development of a healthier, responsible and better communities.

Law n.º 8/2017 | Article 201.º- B

Animals are living beings, endowed with sensitivity and subject to legal protection, by virtue of their nature.

Keeping dogs chained is unsafe for themselves and for the community.

Chained dogs suffer from emotional stress, behavioral problems and are 8 times more likely to bite. It is more difficult to care for a dog that is in bondage, as the chains attach to obstacles and might prevent them from reaching food, water and/or shelter. Additionally, dogs become vulnerable to being attacked by others, with females being unable to avoid pregnancies if they are not sterilized.


We brake the chains returning dignity and respect to their lives.

From first contact to implementation of a project, we maintain always a positive relationship with caregivers, in order to reverse the false utilitarian premise of animals, promoting their protection and carer’s responsibilities, helping to nurture a healthy bond between dogs and caregivers.






The movement includes activists from various parts of the country, of different ages, gender, professions, parties and religions, who love dogs and are determined to promote respect and animal dignity.

The activist team acts in collaboration with animal caregivers through the creation of relationships of trust and inter-help, considering that lack of resources and knowledge are the main causes of keeping them chained.

We providce additional support with suggestions and advice so that the caregivers know the needs, preferences and warning signals of the dogs, in order to know how to act properly in most relevant situations.

Protecion and shelter

Food and hygiene

Electronic identification

Discipline and exercise

Vaccination e deworming

Health Care

Animal liberation is also human liberation.

Peter Singer

We provide the support and equipment necessary to create safe, comfortable and suitable spaces for dogs (fences, shelters), especially for caregivers with economic difficulties who, therefore, may keep the animals in precarious conditions. However, we build fences based on the dogs needs and not just on the financial status of the families.

activists and caregivers

Quebr’ a Corrente Movement (Break the Chain) supports and empowers people to become better animal caregivers.

There are many changes to the dog’s life when we intervene, yet those also extend to caregivers and activists.

“They’re happy.”


Caretaker of Lassie and Kitty

“The moment we unchain the animals, it is liberating.”



“Defending this cause is exciting.”



“The animals were quieter and they stopped hounding all day.”


Member of the Community

Join the Movement

Activists and donations empower this movement and allow more animals to be released.

We need several forms of support for the movement to fulfill its mission. We need activists to build fences, with or without experience, and also of sealing material like nets, stakes, doors and tools.

We assure the total transparency of donations by always communicating the impact of our actions.

See the stories


An activist is someone who is not limited to helping but defending a cause.


Become an activist

This movement is constituted by animal rights activists, and is open to anyone who has this mission in their DNA. It is a peaceful, direct action and dialogue driven work, focused on one main objective: to free dogs chained in Portugal.

If you know of chained dogs, or if you need support to free your dog(s), please send us a message with details of your request! The movement wants to identify and act as widely as possible and counts with your support.

7 + 9 =


For great missions we need great partners. These are the sponsors and donors of Quebr ‘a Corrente (Break the Chain), who for their philanthropy and social responsibility, empower our actions and have strengthened this movement.

Animals are subjects of justice, not just objects of compassion.

Martha Nussbaum


[email protected]

Santarém / Lisboa